Michael J. Sullivan 

is Director of Catalog Design at Open Market, Inc. Previously, he was partner and artistic director of Haywood & Sullivan, an award-winning, full-service design firm. Additionally, he serves on the board of MIMC -- the Massachusetts Interactive Media Council. 

Holding degrees in both design and computer science, Mr. Sullivan has been a frequent contributor to design and computer-related design publications, such as HOW and Publish. He is also a regular lecturer/faculty at Seybold Seminars and other design-related conferences. His book entitled Make Your Scanner a Great Design & Production Tool is now in its second edition. 

The rest of his time is devoted to his nine year old daughter and his wife, Liz. 


Check out these other sites: 

Sullivan's Scanning
Sullivan's Scanning
Scanning Tips
Scanning Tips
Scanning Tips
the Book
Haywood + Sullivan
Email: comments@hsdesign.com
Design by: Haywood & Sullivan
Copyright: © 1996 Michael J. Sullivan